Cybersecurity Resources
Are you Cyber Safe?
Water and Wastewater facilities are critical infrastructure and cannot afford the potential damages that come with cyber attacks. Cyber threats are constantly changing and it is up to you to put in place the necessary safety precautions to prevent such attacks. The resources added to this page will help you secure your facility.
DHS Cybersecurity Advisor

My name is Rick Gardner and I work for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as a Cybersecurity Advisor (CSA) assigned to Region 8 (UT,CO,MT,WY,ND,SD). I am located in SLC UT.
My primary responsibilities are to provide direct coordination, outreach, and regional support and assistance in the protection of cyber components essential to the Nation’s Critical Infrastructure.
The DHS Cybersecurity Advisor Program offers cybersecurity assistance on a voluntary, no-cost basis to critical infrastructure organizations, to include state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) governments.
The goal of the CSA program is to promote cybersecurity preparedness, risk mitigation, and incident response capabilities of public and private sector owners and operators of critical infrastructure, as well as SLTT bodies, through stakeholder partnerships and direct assistance activities.
Through the CSA Program, your organization can prepare for and protect against cybersecurity threats.
The no-cost services that I can offer as a DHS CSA are as follows:
- Cyber Preparedness: On-site preparedness and protective visits, workshops, and engaging activities.
- Strategic Messaging: Cybersecurity briefings, keynote addresses, and panel discussions.
- Working Group Support: Participation in forums, working groups, stakeholder engagements dealing with cybersecurity initiatives and information sharing.
- Cyber Incident Coordination and Support: Direct assistance and resourcing support, conducted in times of cyber threat, disruption, and attack.
Cyber Assessments:
- Cyber Infrastructure Survey (CIS)
- Cyber Resilience Review (CRR)
- External Dependency Management (EDM)
- Cyber Tabletop Exercise (CTTX)
- Phishing Campaign Assessment (PCA)
- Cyber Hygiene / Vulnerability Scanning (CYHY)
- Validated Architecture Design Review (VADR)
- Risk & Vulnerability Assessment (RVA) If these services are of interest to you, I would love an opportunity to meet and to provide a more detailed brief of these resources.
Rick R Gardner
- Cybersecurity Advisor, Region VIII
- Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
- Mobile: (801)-822-1216
- Email: [email protected]
Report incidents: https://www.us-cert.gov/report
Contact watch and warning operations: [email protected]
Find resources: https://www.us-cert.gov/ccubedvp